All shipments of the Party 3 series have been shipped. Hope you guys are enjoying the new workouts. I would like to thank everyone again for all of your support. After all this was over, I rested and thought "What's next?" I looked back over my missions and goals and I have decided to focus on self improvement and community service. There is so much more that I can learn to expand my knowledge and presentation in fitness and health. I plan to bring it home and to anyone that is receptive to experiencing it with me. I plan to go to lots of conferences--- fitness and medical. I will be a student--- not a teacher. I will take you along on my journey. I also plan to teach classes in my community for community service. I've got to get people moving and in better health. So I'm going to jump on these projects in about three weeks. Right now I'm going on vacation.............. Beach-- Florida!
Have Fun and Be Fit,
Katina Hunter