Saturday, January 19, 2008


When do you know that you have gone too low? Listen to my story and you will know what I'm talking about. I have about 10 weeks until the filming of my next video Party 3 series, so I decide that I'm going to eat cleanier and cut out some of my occasional sugary snacks (which I LOVE). I'm going to stick by my protein, carb, and fat requirements. I want to look a little bit leaner, after all I want to set an example and motivate people to do my exercise tapes.
I have done no cheating for a couple of days. I'm so proud of myself. I have beat the sweet demon and I'm on my way. I've stayed within my so called "requirements."
This particular night, I have a hard time going to sleep. I want to go to the pantry and get something, but I tell myself " just go to sleep and it will be morning and you can start all over." I drift off to sleep and here they come. Who are they? Why won't they leave me alone. They know that I'm training and eating cleanier for my video shoot. They want to jump on me. They want me to eat them. It's a 1/2 dozen of them. They are Krispy Kreme Kritters!!!!! Can you believe that I'm dreaming about donuts chasing me? It's a warning sign. But I don't get it. I get up the next morning and eat my oatmeal and go to work. I'm seeing my first patient and performing her exam. Well, the room gets hot, I feel a little funny. So I ask her, "Is it hot in here?" And she says, "No." I can't finish her exam because I would hate to pass out in the middle of her pap smear. Can you imagine what that would do to her? So, I excuse myself and run to the pantry and grab the first edible thing that I see--an orange and suck it to death. Within minutes, I feel better. I finish the exam and evaluate my events within the last 24 hours.

Why didn't I listen to my body? It was telling me that I need more.

The lessons that I have learned:
1. Don't ever go to bed hungry.
2. Don't be so restrictive on your diet.
3. Don't eat by numbers, eat by the way your body feels.

If I would have done the above, I would have not been attack by the Krispy Kreme Kritters. So, if I look a little fluffy in the next set of videos-- it was those darn Krispy Kreme Kritters.
And remember, please take all of my mistakes for love,

Katina Hunter