I have pick out some of the action shots from Interval Party 2, Circuit Party, and Step Party 2 from my photographer. I should have them by tommorrow and will post them. I was hoping to post them sooner, but I have been dragging my butt! I have what you call a fitness hangover. I wish that I could make filming videos a glamarous event, but I'm going to keep it real. It is tough!! Hours of working and moving your body and every take you must make the viewer believe that it is the first take. My hat goes off to everyone that has filmed fitness videos. It is really a tough job. During the shoot we had some serious bloopers that I would like to share with you guys--- so come along for the laugh and the ride.
I would like to call this "What happens during Technical difficulties of Video Taping of Party 3"
1. What happens if you forget to go to the bathroom, drinking lots of water, and doing lots of plyometric moves and kicking? You pee on the floor and one of the girls slips and falls. No this really didn't happen, but I was force to stop a good take to run to the potty.
2. What happens when you have almost completed one good take and mess up and then you curse in the mic? You stop and start over. This really happen. I forgot I had a mic. It was just a whisper of the d word.
3. What happens if the girl in the back slips and hits the wall and knocks down the set? You have to put it back up and start all over. This almost happen. We heard a boom and no fall, so we kept on going.
4. What happens if you are doing plyometric moves and your mic falls on the floor. You start all over. This happened.
5. What happens if all the lights cut off several times because of too much power coming from the lights? You start all over. This happened more times than I want to remember.
Can you see where I'm coming from? We had technical difficultes, but we did not give up. We wiped our sweat off and did it again until we got some good takes. I would like to thank my girls for hanging in there and giving me great energy. I truly had some awesome help in making Party 3!! Thanks everyone. Now I'm recovered and ready to continue to work to make this the most awesome video series ever.
Katina Hunter