I have been recovering since the filming of Fit Party. I did not realize how whipped I was until I went to work on Monday. It took every ounce of energy left in my body to make it through the week. I thought to myself, "Why did I not take the week off after that?" But, I was lucky though with it being a holiday weekend-- I was able to catch up on some rest. I did 3 easy workouts the week after and now this week I'm back on track with my 5-6 workouts per week. I will see Fit Party in it's entirety on Monday. My editor and I will work on it all week. I hope we will have it done by the end of next week. My website is updated with fit party info and we have all of the graphics done. I will post the final cover next week. I'm really excited to get this out. My hopes is for this video to change the way you workout--less can be more.
Katina Hunter
Katina Hunter