Another wonderful opportunity has come my way. I was offered a position as Nurse Practitioner at Savannah Integrative Medicine about 1 month ago. Integrative Medicine is alternative, holistic approach to treatment through healthy living, exercise, nutrition, and supplementations. I love it! I have been reading a book by Dr. Andrew Weil called 8 weeks to optimum health and I like his approach. It is small steps to becoming healthy. I know sometimes the idea of getting healthy and in shape can be overwhelming. So I would like to know if you took it in small steps would people have better success. So I challenge you today to begin 8 weeks to optimum health. You can start this program if you already have a health regimen in place or if you want to start a program. So here is week one:
8 weeks to Optimum Health Program
(I tweaked his program a little bit)
Week 1
1. Practice Meditation 5 minutes a day. Meditation is a focus on the breath-- when you inhale and exhale; where one ends and one begins.
2. Walk 10 minutes a day 5 times this week. If you already do aerobic/strength training add the walk to your current program.
3. Eat at least one serving of fresh broccoli this week.
4. Eat salmon this week ( If you don't like fish try flaxseed) Omega 3's
5. Get Vitamin C 1,000- 2,000 mg day (powder preferred)
6. Buy fresh flowers for your house so that you can enjoy them!
I will list week 2 next weekend. I would love to hear your experience if you are following this 8 weeks to optimum health. I am doing it too, so I will post my experience.
Fit Party Update:
Still Waiting at replicator -- I hope to receive it in 1-2 weeks.
Katina Hunter