I have had several people email me about having problems staying on track with their exercise routine. I'm a great person to ask because I'm having a similar problem. I think at some point or another we all get into a rut. It can be so hard to stay on track when demands of your life consume so much of your time and energy. And if you get out of the groove, it hard sometimes to get back into the groove. Look, we shouldn't feel bad about being somewhat deficient because even Oprah can get off track. The good news is that we can get it back! The first step is to develop your Get Your Groove Back Plan. You can always reassess, redevelop and reinvent your psychy and exercise routine. Here are some things that I suggest you do when you get your groove back:
Get Your Groove Back Plan
1. Cut ourselves some slack--- It's ok that you got in a rut. Don't focus on the past behaviors. Today is a new day with a new plan to get your groove back.
2. Fitness Calendar-- I am a check off girl. I love list --- so write on the out on a calendar and mark my workout off when I have completed it. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and it helps keep you on track.
3. Realistic Goal Setting and Rewards-- You tend to stay on track if you have a specific goal that you want to obtain. Set realistic short term goals so that it will be obtainable. And once you reach that goal, you are motivated to continue with your next short term goal in order to reach your overall long term goal. And reward yourself with each short term goal accomplishment-- new pair of jeans, new workout tape, new workout clothes, or new workout shoes--- whatever you like.
4. Get a Fitness Buddy--- You can't let your buddy down and you can't let your buddy out do you. So this keeps you motivated and on track. (Tamra is mine--- she is so great about calling me on my days off and getting me to the gym-- Tamra is featured in Party3 series)
5. Psychy Training
Quote some of these saying--- pick your favorite
" I can do anything for 30 minutes" ( And once I start, I usually exercise more than an hour)
"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
" I will feel so much better if I do it."
"Can I give more?"
"Every step I get closer."
"I can do this."
" If I fall, I will jump up!"
" If I believe and I will receive"
6. Walk your walk. Just make sure you move throughout the day. Get a pedometer!!!
The most common excuse for not exercising on a regular basis is lack of time, so stop thinking of exercise as only planned activities and instead simply try to move more all day long. For most people, the majority of their calorie use during the day comes from these types of unstructured activities rather than a formal exercise plan. If you need a visual reminder, wear an inexpensive pedometer as a simple way to motivate yourself to take those steps.
7. Try something new--- don't go back to your old exercise routine-- try something different and mix it up. Be creative!
Happy Holidays,
Katina Hunter
"I've got my Groove Back" (Another motivational quote)